Alternatives to outlook for mac
Alternatives to outlook for mac

It's like coming home again after being away on a trip for a few months living out of your suitcase or a backpack – the trip was cool and you saw a lot of things, but you're really glad to be home, to be back in your own room, and to be living somewhere where you don't have to reach very far to get what you need.

alternatives to outlook for mac

I know you probably get lots of notes like this, but in case not, I can honestly say I actually felt a sincere gratitude for the Postbox approach, it's features, design and team in general upon my return this past month, and I can't thank you enough. And I'm not even including the awesome features in Postbox 7 that just released today(!) which I'm about to download, so I can honestly say, that with all the attractive and popular features in Airmail that initially caught my eye and lured me away, I am back to Postbox for the actually important, core, personal features I truly use and missed while away. search just in the email itself), other keyboard shortcuts like "Next" read or unread or previously read message, having Account Groups, having Tabs for different messages (one window), formatting of bullets/lists in the email compose window (never felt at home with the way Airmail does this), the behavior that when you go to "Move" a message it remembers the last folder you had so you don't have to hit any down arrow keys, ha, and so many other simple things that you all have built in to Postbox.

alternatives to outlook for mac

After being a long-time Postbox user (version 2-4), I jumped in on the Airmail app (macOS and iOS) for about (oh man) the last 3 years or so, but I found myself missing thoughtful Postbox features like using the spacebar shortcut to go a "Page Down" in an email, being able to "Find in this message" (i.e. I just wanted to let you know that I am so thankful for your work, especially after having been away from it the last few years.

Alternatives to outlook for mac